Blog Posts

  • AIPS - Some Lessons Learnt The Hard Way

    AIPS is a software package to support the reduction and analysis of data taken with radio telescopes. - blog AIPS - Some Lessons Learnt The Hard Way by Soumyadeep Das The Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS) is a software package to support the reduction and analysis of data taken with radio telescopes. Developed predominantly for use with the then under-construction VLA, the generality inherent in its design allowed it to become the standard data-reduction package for most radio interferometers, including VLBI. Limited single-dish capability is also featured. Although partially replaced... (read more)

      Published on : May 1, 2020

  • Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei

    Active Galaxtic Nuclei - blog Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei by Soumyadeep Das Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are some of the most energetic, luminous, peaceful sources in the universe, giving out persistent radiation. Peaceful would be a generous adjective - they are relatively non-violent; they do not explode as most things in the universe tend to do! We generally identify AGN with large plume-like jets seen on either side of galaxies. AGN are... (read more)

      Published on : Apr 27, 2020